My heart’s most beloved cousin…

Most Honourable Miss,

My heart’s most beloved cousin. I had hoped that, after your command, for which I also have a great longing, I would have been able to speak with you, my dearest, to bid you goodnight. But as this fortune has not been granted to me, I have taken the liberty, out of the great affection and goodwill, wherewith my heart (the unfortunate one) is completely filled towards you, to cover this coarse and filthy paper with my poor script, which yet (since I cannot obtain anything else in haste) shall serve to convey to you my humble and faithful mind, with all service and goodwill, in steadfastness, for all my days, and also to humbly beseech you to continue in your favour and kindness, and to remain steadfast in your virtuous heart. Consider that I bear sorrow for you, and although I must part from you in body, yet my heart and thoughts shall always remain with you, and since I fear that I must for a long time lose your sight and company, I have wished to send you this flower, which the Germans call Forget-me-not, beseeching that you not only will not despise it for its great smallness, but accept it with such heart, as it is certainly sent to you by one who wishes you many times 1000000 good nights, and who, until death, remains faithfully and devotedly remains yours,


This is a rough translation of a preserved letter that the 17th-century Swedish king, Gustav II Adolf, wrote to Ebba Brahe. Their romance has left a lasting imprint, giving rise to numerous legends – perhaps a Swedish Romeo and Juliet. Sadly, the lovers were not meant to be, as the widowed queen had other plans. However, Ebba Brahe eventually married one of the king’s friends, and it appears to have been a very happy marriage.

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Nicko and I have turned this letter into a bard-like musical piece. We’ve incorporated the legend of Sisjöfrun (The Si Lake Maiden) into this year’s local play, giving our song “Snjall Jungfrú” a whole new meaning. It’s been such a delightful summer project. Mother took these wonderful pictures of the performance on July 28th.

Our next performance is on August 17th at Sala, Väsby Kungsgård, as part of the celebrations for Sala town’s 400th anniversary.

Love and adventures,

My heart’s most beloved cousin, in Swedish ‘hjärtans allrakäraste fränka’. I can’t find a better word than ‘cousin’. ‘Fränka means female relative in Old Swedish. It’s not a word we use anymore. Since Ebba Brahe and Gustav II Adolf weren’t related, perhaps it means soulmate here.

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Trivsam folkfest vid Väsby kungsgård

– Sala Allehanda, Läsartext

Fläckebo hembygdsförenings sommarfest blev en succé

– Sala Allehanda, Läsartext

Ebba Brahe & King Gustav II Adolf, Video from Väsby Kungsgård